During the pandemic, I was suffering from stress, had anxiety attacks, and felt sick all the time. One day, I realized that change was needed!
After four years of living sustainably healthy, I am now ready to share my knowledge with others
I wasn't obese, but I was overweight. After focusing on being healthy, I lost 15 kilos with the help of my dietician.
I started developing recipes 8 years ago when my son was born with food allergies. Breaking the norms was difficult but not impossible.

Harvard Medical School Accreditation
I graduated with a degree in computer science engineering and worked for many years in the telecommunications and hospitality sectors. When I decided to focus on myself, I chose to gain more knowledge about nutrition. After conducting extensive research, I decided to enroll in the Harvard Medical School (HMS) Executive Education Program on Health and Wellness - Sustainable Nutrition Planning. This program opened my mind beyond my expectations and provided practical knowledge about nutritional science and behavior change strategies. I successfully completed the program and earned a certificate in sustainable nutrition planning. I continue to further my education through additional programs.

Behavioral Causes of Disease and Lifestyle Impact
Lifestyle and Disease Connection
Coaching and Influencing Others
Healthy Eating and Living through the Ages and Stages of Life
Eating Patterns for Optimal Health
Applying Nutritional Concepts at the Individual Level
Empowering People To Adopt Healthy Eating Practices
Assessing Nutritional and Lifestyle Needs To Develop a Plan